Here is some information about your Final Exam.

  • The Final Exam is worth a possible 250 points.
  • There are 10 essay questions. Question 1 addresses TCO A and is worth 33 points. Questions 2, 3, and 4 address TCO B and are worth 18 points. Questions 5 and 6 address TCO C and are worth 18 points. Questions 7 and 8 address TCO D and are worth 24 points. Question 9 addresses TCO E and is worth 48 points. Question 10 also addresses TCO E and is worth 31 points.
  • There are three pages to the exam.
  • You will have 3 hours and 30 minutes to take the exam. Keep an eye on the remaining time and SAVE your work often, because when the time limit is reached, you will be exited from the exam.
  • Please also note that during the exam time, the copy/paste and printing functions are disabled.
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