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Part 1 of 9
Question 1 of 25
1.0 Points
Which of the following statements is true regarding the data set 10, 10, 10, 10, and 10?


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Part 2 of 9
Question 2 of 25
1.0 Points
If one tosses a coin enough times, the proportion of “heads” will approach 0.5. This is an example of:


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Question 3 of 25
1.0 Points
If A and B are any two events with P(A) = .8 and P(B|A) = .4, then the joint probability of A and B is


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Part 3 of 9
Question 4 of 25
1.0 Points
The following data were obtained from a survey of college students. The variable X represents the number of non assigned books read during the past six months.
P (X=x)

Find P( X 
f$leq f$ 5)


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Question 5 of 25
1.0 Points
Which of following statements are true regarding the probability distribution of a random variable X?


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Question 6 of 25
1.0 Points
According to an Internet posting, 80% of adults enjoy drinking beer. A group of 7 adults is chosen randomly. The probability that no more than 3 of them enjoy drinking beer is:


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Part 4 of 9
Question 7 of 25
1.0 Points
Given that the random variable X is normally distributed with a mean of 80 and a standard deviation of 10, P(85 < X < 90) is


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Question 8 of 25
1.0 Points
The continuous distribution characterized by a symmetric, bell shaped curve is the:


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Question 9 of 25
1.0 Points
The standard normal distribution has a mean of ___ and standard deviation of ___, respectively.


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Question 10 of 25
1.0 Points
If the value of the standard normal random variable Z is positive, then the original score is where in relationship to the mean?


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Question 11 of 25
1.0 Points
Find the probability, P(Z < 0.17), using the standard normal distribution.


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Question 12 of 25
1.0 Points
The standard deviation of 
f$ ar{X},f$ is usually called the


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Part 5 of 9
Question 13 of 25
1.0 Points
Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators ( ), spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), “E” or “e” (used in scientific notation). 
NOTE: For scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the decimal point marker. 

Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where “a” and “b” need to have explicitly stated values. 

For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. 

The following data represent the number of children in a sample of 10 families from Chicago: 4, 2, 1, 1, 5, 3, 0, 1, 0, and 2. 

Compute the median number of children. Place your answer, rounded to two decimal places, in the blank. For example, 3.45 would be a legitimate entry. 

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Question 25 of 25
1.0 Points
Using the standard normal curve, the Z score representing the 10th percentile is 1.28.

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