summary of your personal and career evaluation

  1. Conduct an online search in areas related to your career goals:
    • Search for volunteer opportunities in your community.
    • Identify (and bookmark) professional societies and certifications that interest you.
    • Identify a career path, building on your current position and future goals.
    • Visit O*Net (Links to an external site.), from the Department of Labor, to identify trends, as well as the skills, experience, and education requirements for your career path.

Assignment Requirements

Develop a well-written 3- to 4-page paper that includes the following:

  • One internship position: Include a link to the internship description and provide a summary of how this position relates to your career goals.
  • One volunteer opportunity: Include a link to the description for the volunteer opportunity and provide a summary of how this opportunity relates to your career goals.
  • One professional certification: Include a link to the description of this certification and summarize the qualifications required to obtain certification, as well as the value the certification provides.
  • Identify a Career Path building on your current position and future goals. Include your alignment between your Myers-Briggs personality type and your future career goals and two actions you can take to leverage your personality type with the desired career goal.
  • Provide a summary of your Personal and Career Evaluation. Include why you are interested in a career in organizational leadership, and describe your experience completing the evaluation.

Your submission should be 3-4 pages (excluding cover page and references) and formatted according to APA.

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