Sustainability worksheet assignment help





Sustainability Worksheet


Section A: Answer the following questions in complete sentences or you may write your answers on a separate sheet. Your response to each question should be written in a minimum of 175 words.

  1. Define sustainability. Describe the different aspects of sustainability as it relates to individuals, organizations, and social awareness.
  1. Based on this week’s required readings, what are the main causes of threats to the environment and the quest for a green society?
  1. Define social responsibility. What do scientists predict will happen in Earth’s future if we do not increase our sustainability practices?

Section B: Fill in the chart below with complete sentences or you may write your answers on a separate sheet. Your response to each section of the chart should be written in 90-175 words.

For each item listed below:

1.Identify one related threat to the biosphere.

2. Describe business practices that may cause this problem.

3.Describe alternative business practices that may help reduce or avoid this problem.

Threats Business practices Alternatives
Ecological disaster

Section C: Answer the following questions in complete sentences or you may write your answers on a separate sheet. Your response to each question should be written in a minimum of 260 words.

  1. Based on this week’s required readings, summarize threats to the environment that may cause global climate change. Then, conduct an Internet search on opposition of accepted causes of climate change. Which perspective do you agree with? Cite at least two APA-formatted sources to support your points and include a reference page at the bottom.
  1. List several ways in which an organization’s leadership can encourage social responsibility and environmental awareness. What potential effects might such actions have on business practices and public perception?



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