The core task relates to critically evaluating and reporting capability or competency profile across multiple dimensions relevant to personal and/ or work-related needs.


Assessment Task 1

Assessment Task Postcard: Overview of intended learning strategy
Schedule TBC
Learning Outcome Alignment 1 & 2
Competency Element Alignment 1 & 2
Length 1500 maximum (indicative)
Value (% of 100 overall unit marks) 15%

Description and requirements

The core task relates to critically evaluating and reporting capability or competency profile across multiple dimensions relevant to personal and/ or work-related needs. Ultimately the assessment should show ideas, plans or thinking as to how critical skill gaps identified through initial HR, human capital, skills readiness, skill or related capability audit will be addressed in an organisational learning strategy.

It should include at least on page but should not exceed two pages of mixed graphic and text.  It may be developed using alternate technologies of web publishing tools subject to discussion and confirmation with your trainer/ lecturer.

Assessment Indicators

  • Identification and understanding of learning strategy design and planning as it applied to a specific organisation/ entity
  • Strategy setting for learning is at a systems/ organisational or higher, strategic level
  • Critical thinking of issues and drivers for the learning strategy
  • Evidence of application of learning and use of tools studied in the unit
  • Submission of postcard summary in legible, professional format: the complex is represented in simple, easy to grasp communication
  • Detailed future consultation and communication processes to support
  • Fully appreciated existing assessment instrument, learning design and infrastructure
  • Aligns with the organisational learning strategy and relevant policy and procedure development processes
  • Does not occur in isolation but fits into a continuous improvement processes or associated organisational quality management, compliance, or workplace learning models
  • Explains the future planning/ implementation processes and deliverables/ impact/ benefits
  • Identify any specific information on locations, types and sources of relevant organisational documentation
  • Establishes the alignment with the organisation’s strategy, vision or specific goals/ objectives
  • Considers and reflects a conscious alignment with prevailing organisational learning theory or methods
  • Considers and consciously reflects the range of international e‑learning trends or design and infrastructure compliance requirements (including any training – e.g. Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) -or WHS requirements)
  • Complies with legislation, codes of practice and national standards relevant to the organisation, workforce or operational area
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