The Power of Good Work Place Communication Discussion




Write a 4–5 page analysis and a response e-mail to address a growing controversy depicted in the Riverbend City: Communication and Organizational Effectiveness scenario.While communication (or lack of it) can often cause workplace conflict, it can also be the solution for addressing it. Knowing how to communicate in increasingly stressful environments is a skill that will serve you well both professionally and personally.

  • Resources


    Conflict occurs in all types of communication, whether the communication is among family, friends, or business partnerships. Therefore, it is important to understand conflict and the causes that create the conflict. Understanding how to effectively communicate with those with whom we are experiencing conflict can reduce the conflict and lead to positive outcomes.

    • Kelly, S., & MacDonald, P. (2019). A look at leadership styles and workplace solidarity communication. International Journal of Business Communication, 56(3), 432–448.
      • This article explores the outcomes of upward and downward communication channels within organizations.
    • Embrace conflict. (2017). Hawaii Business63(1), 64–70.
      • This article considers the importance of effective communication and how conflict can lead to problems if it is not addressed properly.
    • Williamson, J. E. (2017). Managing workplace conflict in CS and beyond. Healthcare Purchasing News41(7), 38.
      • This article explores how a lack of communication among organizational members can cause friction that then erupts into conflict.
  • Assessment Instructions


    Responding effectively to a situation rife with conflict requires a variety of communication techniques. In this assessment, you will analyze and respond to a growing controversy depicted in the Riverbend City: Communication and Organizational Effectiveness scenario by writing a team communication and subsequently analyzing your approach to devising it.


    Explore Riverbend City: Communication and Organizational Effectiveness.


    Imagine you just came back from lunch and found the email string regarding the proposed EOC staff meeting related in the scenario. It’s your plan to address the situation, and it’s your intent to do it in a single email that demonstrates leadership and a keen understanding of the issue, participants, and their associated dynamics.


    Complete both parts of this assessment.

    Part 1: Analyze Your Approach to the Issue

    Describe your approach to constructing your email.

    • Describe possible causes for the caustic exchange depicted in the email chain. Consider possible core organizational issues. State any assumptions that you might need to make regarding the scenario to support your assertions.
    • Justify why your message would likely be effective. Consider content, tone, style, et cetera.
    • Explain your intent for how your message might impact future communications and actions among team members.
    Part 2: Write a Response Email

    Write an email that effectively addresses the email chain. It should:

    • Properly consider the audience, your position, and the circumstances.
    • Articulate a well-conceived solution to the problem.
    • Effectively end the thread completely and de-escalate the tension.
    • Send a message that this exchange was “sub-optimal.”


    The assessment is expected to meet the following requirements:

    • Font: Times New Roman, 12 point.
    • Length: 4–5 pages, double spaced.


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