to share information with other

Health Info

Individual Project: 8/27

You work for a health care organization that frequently needs to share information with other providers. Your organization has a very important relationship with a diagnostics center in particular where you frequently need to share patient information such as lab results, X-rays, and other diagnostic information.

  • You have been asked to review your company’s protocols on sharing and receiving patient information for outside providers to ensure that your organization is in compliance with the latest standards and regulations.
    • Write an executive summary that examines the compliance procedures and practice guidelines that these organizations would need to establish to achieve optimum operational effectiveness while complying with federal, state, and local laws governing patient information security and records retention.
    • Analyze the current trends in patient data capture and information sharing among health care providers, assessing their impact on your organization’s operations.
  • Deliverable Length: 5-7 pages; minimum 5 academic/professional references published in last 5 yrs.

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