typical iq test has population mean 100 and standard deviation 15 answer following based abo

1. If Mark had an IQ of 110, what would be his z, or standard score? 

2. What proportion of the population would have a score equal to or higher than Mark? 

3. Andrew took the same test and got a 95. What is Andrew’s Z score? 

4. What proportion of the population would have IQ’s equal to or between Mark and Andrew? 

5. Approximately 84% of IQ scores would be equal to or between what two scores? 

6. If a researcher took a sample of 25 people, what would be the standard error? 

7. Based on this standard error, what is the probability that the mean of a sample of 25 peope would be greater than 115? 

8. What is the probability that the mean of a sample of 50 people would be greater than 115? 


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