Understand and evaluate the concepts of Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Management.

Course Learning Outcomes Covered

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

  1. Understand and evaluate the concepts of Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Management.

  1. To understand the difference between creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship and to exhibit the role of creativity and innovation in entrepreneurship

  1. Knowing the importance of strategic management to a small business and to explain how a small business must create a competitive advantage in the market and why.

  1. Discussing the steps involved in subjecting a business idea to a feasibility analysis and the key elements of a business plan.

  1. Analysing the three major forms of ownership and its advantages and disadvantages

  1. Evaluating an existing business and the steps involved in the right way to buy a business.

  1. Discuss principles of building a guerrilla marketing plan and to outline the market research process.

Part I – CLO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 – 60 Marks Business Plan + 40 Marks PPT Slides of Business Plan


You must prepare a business plan addressing the elements mentioned below. Please ensure that every sub-topic is addressed. The overall business plan should be a minimum of 4,000 words. Also prepare a PowerPoint slides of the Business Plan with minimum 15 slides incorporating the below points.


  1. Executive Summary

  1. Background

  1. Key Personnel

  1. Operations

  1. Marketing

  1. Financial Plan


The purpose of an executive summary is to provide a quick and concise overview of the business (in one or two pages).  Although this section appears first, it should be written last.

The plan summary should highlight key elements of the entire business plan, including:

–           Objectives of the business (Vision and Mission Statement)

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