Unit 7 Discussion, communications homework help




What is the problem?

The most crucial aspect of providing stellar customer service involves being able to define the problem so you can prioritize the solution(s). It only takes one or two interactions with a customer service department that cannot understand what the problem is and thus cannot resolve it for a customer to lose confidence in a company’s support system. Experiencing issues with a customer service department can cause a lack of trust for the customer and result in the customer taking their business elsewhere.

Using the 5 W’s from the CSR Tool Belt see if you can resolve the following problem.

Scenario: Using the 5 W’s in a Live Chat

Company overview: AutoBill is a service which aggregates all of your bills in one central file and pays them all for you based on several different options: customers can pay by one monthly check sent to AutoBill’s offices through regular mail, directly online using a checking account direct debit, or by using a credit card or debit card either online, or over the phone.

The following interaction takes place on AutoBill’s Live Chat on a Monday morning:

After entering their account number, and selecting “Live Chat now”, the following appears:

CSR: This is Gabriel. How may I help you today?

Female Customer: I need to know how to pay this bill as there is no address on the bill.

CSR: What address did you use previously on your last bill?

Female Customer: I didn’t.


Assignment Rubric


Unit 7 Assignment Grading Rubric page1image5984 page1image6624 page1image7080 page1image7400 page1image7560
Possible Points 45


Points Earned


Specific Paper Objectives: Address the Assignment Checklist (80%) demonstrating analysis and critical thinking concerning the scenario provided.
 Briefly describe the overall customer service problem.


page1image17776 page1image180969


page1image19352 page1image20152
 Using the 5 W’s identify the problems in the customer interaction from the standpoint of the customer. 9


 Consulting your CSR Tool Belt and Customer Service Resolution Strategies, explain what tools are not being used properly in this scenario and how they are not being used properly. 9
 Determine what would need to be addressed and how if this call could be re- enacted with you as the CSR to resolve the problem. page1image319369 page1image33336
Subtotal: page1image35832 page1image36152 page1image36312 36 page1image37336 page1image37496 page1image37816 page1image38088
Writing Style, Grammar, APA (20%)
page1image41864Grammar and Spelling are correct page1image432724
Paper is a minimum of 1–2 pages (250–500) words in 5
length in APA format and citation style with an added title and references page.
Subtotal: page1image54440 9 page1image55784 page1image56376
Total page1image59200 45 page1image60536 page1image60968

CSR: Okay, so you want to start paying online then?

Female Customer: No, I don’t. I just need an address.

CSR: There should have been an address that was sent with the bill payment request.

Female Customer: No there is no address and I need to pay this. Can you help me?

CSR: You can just pay it online so you won’t be late. Just enter your last four digits of your social security number.

Female Customer: First of all I don’t know it as I am paying this for my Uncle who just died. Secondly, it is due in three days’ time so I want to FedEx this. Can I get an address?

(pause for a few minutes while CSR answers another customer in a separate chat)

CSR: I am sorry I don’t have an address available but do please feel free to use our on-line payment system. Thank you.


  • Briefly describe the overall customer service problem.
  • Using the 5 W’s identify the problems in the customer interaction from the standpoint of the customer.
  • Consulting your CSR Tool Belt, and the Customer Service Resolution Strategies from the Learning Activity, explain what tools and strategies are not being used properly in this scenario and how they are not being used properly.
  • Determine what would need to be addressed and how if this call could be re-enacted with you as the Customer Service Representative (CSR) to resolve the problem.

Respond using a minimum of 1–2 pages (250–500 words) response in essay format using APA format and citation style. You should not use more than one short citation if any. Include an additional title and references page and submit this Assignment to the Dropbox before the end of the unit.

Disclaimer: This exercise may include actual companies and brand names solely for instructional purposes; this exercise is not associated with any such actual company or brand name. All trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.


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