Universal Medicines Article Review

Each student will locate a published peer-reviewed article that was published within the last five years (not an assigned reading) that discusses any of the topics and/or concepts covered by the week’s reading/content. Each student will read and summarize the article. Then he/she will answer the following questions (Please number your answers):

  1. Provide a brief summary of the article
  2. What problem(s) does the article set out to address? Discuss
  3. What is the stated goal, if any, of this article? Discuss
  4. Does the article have research questions or hypotheses? Discuss
  5. Are the sources cited in the article a) current b) relevant to topic covered in our course content this week? Discuss with examples from the articles and references to the week’s assigned reading(s)
  6. What methodology is used for data collection and how is the data analysis implemented? Discuss
  7. What are the major findings discussed under the Results/Findings of this article?
  8. What conclusion(s) are discussed based on the findings?

Note: The article you select and your discussion (answer) sheet must be submitted to the D2L Assignments by the due date indicated. Each review assignment carries 60 points. To earn all 60 points, each review must address all of the 7 criteria listed above. You must copy and paste each criterion or question in your paper before you write your answer. It will help you complete this assignment more easily and successfully, if you select a research-based peer-reviewed article that clearly has the following sections: Introduction/Literature Review, Methods/Methodology, Results/Findings, Discussion, and Conclusions.

You may find articles here: https://scholar.google.com/


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