watch the video attached than answer the questions

Watch the video attached than answer the questions

1-What would motivate you to speak up and act or to stay silent?

2-What are the arguments you would try to counter?

3-What would you do and who would you talk to?

4-What do you hope will happen and what will you do if it does not?

5-What concerns would you have if you discussed this situation with an internal manager who is your direct supervisor?

6-What concerns would you have if you discussed this situation with either a CFO, CEO, or member of the board of directors?

7-What concerns would you have if you discussed this situation with someone outside the organization?

8-How can you minimize your concerns if you discussed this issue with an internal manager who is your direct supervisor?

9-How can you minimize your concerns if you discussed this issue with a CFO, CEO, or member of the board of directors?

10-How can you minimize your concerns if you discussed this issue with someone outside the organization?


Its one video”3 mins” but i had to cut it in half and upload it in zip file

Answer each question individually not as essay format

short answers 2-3 sentence, more if needed

easy level of writing and English

write from perspective of “international student not christian”

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