week 01 continuing case study

After studying the Chapter 1 case, respond to the following:

1.           At which level do some of the basic functions (cost accounting, reporting tax, patient accounts and billing, accounts payable) belong?  Financial Management.




After studying the Chapter 2 case, respond to the following:

2.           Identify the agency problems that PCI and Physicians’ Clinic need to resolve.

3.           What agency problems will be involved if PCI goes through with the joint venture that Dr. Jackson has proposed?



http://books.google.com/books?id=mK5_k3zuuJAC&pg=PA13&lpg=PA13&dq=the+universal+concerns+of+financial+management&source=bl&ots=VOOYg760Ad&sig=qeNjWEDtmyCC96VKr7oqunN6ubI&hl=en&sa=X&ei=VovEU rOHo2pyATR 4HwAw&ved=0CB8Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=the%20universal%20concerns%20of%20financial%20management&f=false


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