West Coast University W8 Intervention for Opioid Crisis Proposal Research Paper




Part 1

You just found out that the intervention program report you completed in week 5 was accepted by the Director of the Department of Health.

She wants to move forward with a proposal to receive grant funding to create and implement the program. It all comes down to this; everything you have learned is now being put to the test. You can affect the lives of the residents of Anytown. You will submit both the proposal and a video presentation for this assignment.

Part I: Based on all the information you have gathered regarding the opioid crisis, create a mini-grant proposal to submit to the Director of the Department of Health.

In your grant proposal, be sure to include:

  1. A needs assessment:
    1. Discuss the reason for a needs assessment.
    2. Include the goals and desired outcomes of this assessment.
    3. Determine the stakeholders you would seek to help you complete the assessment. Explain your rationale for your selection.
    4. Explain the strengths and weakness of this assessment.
    5. List the resources you would recruit from the community to help you accomplish your goals.
  2. An intervention program to combat the opioid crisis (from your week 5 assignment):
    1. State your null hypothesis.
    2. Examine the type of intervention you would use.
    3. Describe the population sample you would target, why you chose this population, and how you would recruit your participants.
    4. Include any other stakeholders who were not included in your needs assessment.
    5. Discuss how you would ensure that the intervention is culturally appropriate.
  3. The evaluation process:
    1. Determine the desired outcome for this program.
    2. Detail the types of evaluations you would carry out for this program.
    3. Assess the type of statistical analysis appropriate for this intervention program.
    4. Explain the type of budget that would be appropriate for this process.
  4. The effects of this program on Anytown, U.S.A.:
    1. Analyze whether the results of this program are applicable to the general population.
    2. Based on your anticipated results, what local policies would you advocate for implementation, and what community stakeholders would assist with supporting these policies?
  5. Conclude with the potential effects of this proposal.

Your proposal should be 5–7 pages in length, excluding title and reference page. Use current APA formatting to style your paper and to cite a minimum of four sources. Integrate a minimum of four scholarly sources into the paragraphs. Use internal citations pointing to evidence in the literature and supporting your ideas. You will need to include a reference page.

Click here to access an example grant proposal.

This is an accepted grant proposal that can help get you started. Please adhere to current APA guidelines.

Part 2

Part 2: Video Presentation

For this assignment, submit a 3- to 5-minute video presentation to the director, discussing your grant proposal.

Recording, Uploading, and Submitting

The Kaltura Desktop Recording tool is available for free to WCU students to assist with recording video assignments. Another software or tool may be used to record your assignment. Completed videos are required to be uploaded to your Kaltura My Media area before they can be submitted in the Blackboard assignment area via Mashups Tool > Kaltura Media.

Kaltura Mashups Tool

In your video response, be sure to include highlights from:

  1. The needs assessment
  2. The intervention program
  3. The evaluation process
  4. The effects on Anytown
  5. Finally, state why your grant proposal should be accepted as you conclude your presentation.

See “Getting Started with Kaltura” under the Course Materials section of the menu on the left side of the classroom.

See the rubric for specific grading criteria.

For Part 2

I will record it, write it out in words or powe point


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