What could the committee chair have done early in the committee’s life to ensure that its members were in agreement about its workplan?

Make an initial post and answer the following case questions. Then, respond to ONE student only. Your initial post and response posts must be substantive, on topic, and demonstrate an understanding of the material. Both posts must include at least one citation and reference using APA 6th edition format. Do not quote your entire response, as quoted material should only make up a small portion of your response.

1. Do you think this committee could have prevented this conflict over getting its work done by the deadline? If so, how? If not, why not?

2. What could the committee chair have done early in the committee’s life to ensure that its members were in agreement about its workplan?

3. Should the committee include Marianna’s name on its report? Why or why not?

Rubino, L., In Esparza, S., & In Chassiakos, Y. R. (2014). New leadership for today’s health care professionals: Concepts and cases.  Jones and Bartlett Learning.

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