Which investment is better out of the two Investments listed?




Excel spreadsheet and 3 page APA style paper. The next step for Dr. Bueller is to help him compare stocks and make good investment decisions. With that in mind, you want to compare Industrial Company #1 with its top rival Industrial Company #2 and explain to Dr. Bueller which one would make a better investment.

In preparation for sharing your thoughts with Dr. Bueller,

  • Operating income margin
  • Net income margin
  • Current ratio
  • Earnings per share
  • Price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio.
Industrial Company #1
(in millions) 2008 2009 2010
Sales $4,250 $4,500 $4,750
Operating Income $400 $445 $480
Net Income $200 $225 $250
Current Assets $2,500 $2,750 $2,850
Current Liabilities $2,300 $2,450 $2,500
Shares Outstanding 100 100 100
Average Stock Price $32 $39 $50
Industrial Company #2
(in millions) 2008 2009 2010
Sales $3,350 $3,750 $4,250
Operating Income $335 $395 $470
Net Income $168 $198 $240
Current Assets $1,750 $1,900 $2,100
Current Liabilities $1,350 $1,400 $1,500
Shares Outstanding 80 80 80
Av Stock Price $38 $46 $62
2010 Industry Avg.
Operating Margin 10.50%
Net Margin 5.50%
Current Ratio 1.25
Earnings/Share $2.75
PE Ratio 20.0

Group Project Guidelines

  • Perform the calculations of the following values for both Industrial Company #1 and Industrial Company #2 using the information from the data tables located in the Assignment Description:
    • Operating income margin
    • Net income margin
    • Current ratio
    • Earnings per share
    • Price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio.
  • Must organize your calculations in an Excel spreadsheet
    • In your own words, explain the significance of each calculation.
  • Write a 3 page (body of paper), in a Word document, about which company is a better investment.


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