written assignment how hris software can support human resource departments

Before implementing a HRIS, organizations need to fully scrutinize the advantages, disadvantages, and cost-benefits. Conduct some research using available resources from library databases (such as Business Source Complete, Business via ProQuest, and eBooks via EBSCO) and from credible webpages, examine how HRIS software can support human resource departments, and answer the following questions:

  • What are the advantages of implementing a HRIS?
  • What are the disadvantages of implementing a HRIS?
  • What are some of the ways that HRIS software can strengthen HR departments and aid them in supporting organizational goals?

Your assignment should be 4-5 pages, in APA format, and include correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar usage. Use and cite at least 3 credible research sources. For more information on APA, please visit the APA Guide.

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