1 administration xyz company interested learning about types wellness programs would interes

1. The administration of XYZ Company is interested in learning about the types of wellness programs that would interest its employees. Suppose that there are five categories of employees (administration, faculty, professional staff, clerical and maintenance) and the university decides to randomly select ten individuals from each category. This sampling plan is called A. Simple Random Sampling B. Stratified Sampling C. Cluster Sampling D. Systematic Sampling E. Convenience Sampling 2. The administration of XYZ company is interested in learning about the types of wellness programs that would interest its employees. Suppose that the university randomly selects individuals (administration, faculty, professional staff, clerical and maintenance) who work at different locations (e.g., Knoxville, Harrogate). This sampling plan is called A. Simple Random Sampling B. Stratified Sampling C. Cluster Sampling D. Systematic Sampling E. Convenience Sampling 3.MGS, a regional shoe chain, has recently launched an online store. Sales via the Internet have been sluggish compared to their brick and mortar stores, and management wants to survey its regular customers about potential concerns regarding the security of online transactions. Suppose that MGS’s regular customers belong to a rewards program and have a customer rewards ID number. MGS decides to randomly select 100 numbers. This sampling plan is called A. Simple Random Sampling B. Stratified Sampling C. Cluster Sampling D. Systematic Sampling E. Convenience Sampling 4. Management at a large multinational corporation would like to survey its employees about the level of interest in combining flexible work schedules with telecommuting from home. Each employee has an ID number, and the administration plans to randomly select 250 numbers. This sampling plan is called A. Simple Random Sampling B. Stratified Sampling C. Cluster Sampling D. Systematic Sampling E. Convenience Sampling 5. The HR department of a large company wants to determine how often to bring representatives from the financial firm managing employee pensions on site to meet with individuals about their retirement plans. In order to determine level of interest, they decide to survey employees. Suppose they group employees by age categories (e.g., under 30; 30 – under 45; 45 – under 60, 60 or older) and randomly select 50 individuals from each category. This sampling plan is called A. Simple Random Sampling B. Stratified Sampling C. Cluster Sampling D. Systematic Sampling E. Convenience Sampling 3.3. Analyze the sampling method. 6. The HR department of a large company wants to determine how often to bring representatives from the financial firm managing employee pensions on site to meet with individuals about their retirement plans. In order to determine level of interest, they decide to survey employees. Suppose they select employees from different office locations. This sampling plan is called A. Simple Random Sampling B. Stratified Sampling C. Cluster Sampling D. Systematic Sampling E. Convenience Sampling 7. Find the cumulative probabilities corresponding to the z scores. Provide approximate values when an exact result is not available. a. 1.45 b. 0.64 c. 0.09 d. .025 e. 1.33 8. Find the z scores that correspond to the cumulative probabilities. Provide approximate values when an exact result is not available. a. .9931 b. .8289 c. .6179 d. .0985 e. .2611 9. Which statistic will provide the most accurate measure of the typical score for the distribution, the average? a. Standard Deviation b Mode c. Median d. Mean e. Range 10. Which measure will provide a point that divides the distribution into two groups each containing 50% of the data? a. Standard Deviation b Mode c. Median d. Mean e. Range 11. Which measure indicates the most frequently occurring value in the distribution? a. Standard Deviation b Mode c. Median d. Mean e. Range 12. Which measure will provide an index that specifies the relative spread of the data in the distribution? a. Standard Deviation b Mode c. Median d. Mean e. Range 13. Which measure indicates a value that takes into account the highest and lowest responses in the distribution? a. Standard Deviation b Mode c. Median d. Mean e. Range 14. Which scale of measurement treats “0” (zero) as a true indicator on “no” value? 15. Which scale of measurement only provides for labeling or clarification of responses? 16. Which scale of measurement is parametric and specifies values on a scale that possess consistent increments? 17. Which scale of measurement will indicate the order in which results occur?
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