300 word discussion post 43

Week 3 Discussion: Academic Integrity

Purpose and Course Outcome

The discussion topic this week pertains to the following Course Outcome.

  • CO 1: Consider the role of the professional nurse in relation to the concepts of integrity and ethical accountability within nursing practice. (POs 4, 6)


How is a culture of academic integrity upheld in your nursing program? What evidence do you have that supports this notion, or disputes it? How can you promote academic integrity within yourself and your classmates?

**NOTE: Must cite textbook and 1 other outside scholarly source.

Huston, C. J. (2020). Professional issues in nursing: Challenges and opportunities (5th ed.) Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

  • Chapter 18: Academic Integrity in Nursing Education: Is It Declining? pp. 256-268
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