4 – 6 page Essay on Nursing Leader Florence Nightingale

Here is the assignment. It is on Florence Nightengale. She is the nurse leader stated below. The assignment is due on Thursday January 30th. Please let me know ASAP if you can complete it by then. Thank you

This 4 – 6 page Role Transition Paper provides you with the opportunity to explore and analyze the life and work of a nurse leader who has impacted the nursing profession.  Provide a brief overview of the nurse leader you selected in Module 1 Week 1, including a rationale for why you selected this person.

The purpose of the Role Transition Paper is
not to write a biography of this nurse leader; rather, discuss the nurse leader’s life and work by addressing all six components below.  Support your work with a minimum of 5 scholarly references. 

  1. Identify the leadership characteristics of the selected individual and why you believe these are essential leadership characteristics;
  2. Discuss the unique contribution(s) this leader made to the nursing profession and/or nursing practice;
  3. Identify advocacy characteristics this leader employs to meet health care needs of individuals, families, and/or aggregates.
  4. Discuss specific barriers, obstacles, or circumstances that precipitated or influenced the leader’s decision to address the situation that led to the change;
  5. Discuss the impact this leader’s contribution will have on future generations of nurses;
  6. Discuss how this leader’s contribution, including how he or she propelled the change, impacts you from a personal and professional perspective: knowledge, values, and beliefs.
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