5 cal problems


Which one of the following is a function? (4 points)


Determine the range of f(x) = 3(x – 2)2 + 3. (4 points)

All real numbers

y ≥ 3

y > 3

y ≥ 0


Find the domain of f(x) = the square root of the quantity x plus 2 . (4 points)

x > 2

x ≥ 2

x ≥ -2

All real numbers


Find the domain for the function f(x) = the quotient of the square root of the quantity x plus 3 and the quantity x minus 2 . (4 points)

x ≠ 2

x ≥ -3, x ≠ 2

x ≥ -3

All real numbers


Which of the following statements are true about functions and relations? (4 points)

No trigonometric functions are relations.

All trigonometric functions are relations.

A trigonometric function may or may not be a relation.

The vertical line test will not work for trigonometric relations.

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