MMPA 6542 Albany Technical College Global Leadership Essay




The world of today is an interconnected environment. There are many organizations that operate across borders. Many organizations have had global missions for years and even decades. Others have only just begun to operate outside of their home countries. Still other organizations are the new creations of our interconnected social systems. These organizations operate in a highly networked world in which their leaders face complex challenges that include many disparate elements. These challenges also often include cross-cultural elements that can challenge leaders who are experienced only with their local environment and culture. You can learn from the experiences of these organizations as you try to develop skills as transformational leaders in 21st-century organizations. Even with these organizations as models, the challenges of leadership in today’s world are many.

For this Discussion, review the RAND report, New Challenges for International Leadership: Lessons From Organizations With Global Missions, from this week’s resources. Consider the competencies needed for leaders of international organizations.

Post by Day 4 an explanation of two key competencies required for global leadership. Then, explain how those competencies meet the needs of leaders in a globalized world.

Required Resources




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