USC Sociology Theory Paper




The paper includes the following sections: Must fix/edit from teacher comments + add revisions Theory Paper Revision.

  • An introduction. The introduction should introduce and explain the news article you chose and provide an overview of your argument. Pro tip: write the intro last, once you are aware of what your argument actually is. (About one page, depending on topic).
  • An analysis of the story from a Marxist perspective. Using some of the concepts (alienation, commodification, class conflict, dialectic, materialism, private property, mode of production, means of production, etc.) and discuss the events in the article you chose from a Marxist perspective, using Marx’s ideas. If Marx were alive today, what would he think about the story? How would he explain the story using his theories and ideas? Does your story confirm or contradict aspects of Marx’s theories? How? (1-2 pages)
  • An analysis of the story from a Weberian perspective. Using some of the concepts (ideal type, bureaucracy, class, status, party, the iron cage, rationalization, the spirit of capitalism, authority, etc.) discuss the events in the article you chose from a Weberian perspective. If Weber were alive today, what would he think about the story? How would he explain the story using his theories and ideas? Does your story confirm or contradict aspects of Weber’s theories? How? (1-2 pages)
  • Compare and contrast Marx and Weber. Using your analysis from parts 2 and 3, compare and contrast Marx and Weber. How are their theories and ideas similar? How are they different? (about one page)
  • A conclusion. You conclusion should briefly summarize the arguments you have made and include any final thoughts you might have. (one paragraph)
  • A bibliography written in ASA format.


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