Acaydia School of Aesthetics LLC Motivation Real Estate Reflection





Write 2 paragraphs about your Career Goals.  Each paragraph must be 5 sentences long.

  • In the first paragraph, respond with complete sentences:  Describe your big “why” (reason) that motivates you.  Why do you pursue a real estate career, overcome life challenges, and stay focused to achieve your goals?  Are you seeking security for your family, achieving financial aspirations, or desiring to make a difference by helping others?
  • In the second paragraph, respond with complete sentences:  Explain your favorite quote, and give credit to the author of the quote.  What does it mean to you?  How does it affect your career?  You must cite and reference the quote.  Refer to the sources below to get some ideas.  Explain how the quote connects to your new career. Add a couple of sentences showing how it relates to your future in real estate.
  • Cite your source in your paragraph, and reference it at the end. That means you must give credit to the person who originally said the quote. Then, at the bottom of your paper, list the website where you found the quote. In the final paper, this reference belongs on the last page in the “References” section and it will need to be in APA format.(Note: if you are citing the Bible or Quran, you do not need to reference it at the end.  Refer to my note below.)

Sample QUOTES:

Here are some inspirational and motivational quotes to review.  You may consider using one of them for this assignment. One paragraph in your final paper requires you to select your favorite inspirational quote. If you don’t yet have a quote, please review the links below and select one you enjoy. Remember to cite the author and list the source in the references section at the end of your paper.

NOTE:  You may choose to list a verse from the Bible or any other spiritual/religious text as your favorite quote.  If you quote from the Bible or Quran, you do NOT need a reference at the end (per APA standards).  However, you do need to cite the exact scripture (Bible book, chapter, and verse).  If you are not sure of the scripture, you can often find it through a google search.  It may be helpful to include the Bible version — for example:  Philippians 4:13 (NIV). (Links to an external site.)







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The below sample assignment is provided as a model.  DO NOT COPY this example.  (Citation and reference are highlighted so you can easily understand how to insert them.)

Ima Student
January 1, 2020
BRE-101-12345 Real Estate Practice


My family means the world to me, and that’s why I am motivated to pursue a real estate career.  I am passionate about helping our community members become homeowners, and while serving others I will be building a financial legacy.  Although I know there will be obstacles, I will overcome them by focusing on my vision.  Slowly but surely, I will work to build a better life for my family.  Despite my past adversity, I will rise to the challenge and prove that I can achieve my career goals by being a good example for my children to follow.

My favorite quote from Les Brown that keeps me motivated is, “Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears,” (Les Brown).  This means that often people do not achieve their goals because they are afraid of the risk involved.  Real estate is a very competitive industry and I will need to be strong, courageous, and take calculated risks.  When I feel discouraged, I will re-focus on my goals and remember why I am pushing forward with my real estate career.  No matter what, I will remember my goals for my family and finish strong.

Quote source:


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