amp 492 daily questions 1

I have 6 questions that need responses. They DO NOT have to have sources if you can just respond to them. If you use a source then cite it, but it can just be a response. 75 words per question. I do not need a certain format, just a response. Please let me know if you have any questions. These go with the first question you answered for me this week if this helps…..

Question 1:The textbook says that when you consider coach, interpreter, director, and navigator as change managers, you should assume that they have an active role in the initiation, support, and outcomes of organizational change. What does that mean and why is it significant?

Question 2: Is it possible for a highly developed implicit change diagnostic model to be equally or more effective than one of the explicit diagnostic models available? If so, why?

Question 3: If we presume that the competent change manager is able to adopt any of the 6 images of change we have studied, which then should be chosen first, the diagnostic model best suited for the needs, situation, and culture of the company or the image of change the change leader prefers to use with the model chosen?

Question 4: The explicit change diagnostic models all provide a ‘framework’ for change that must be populated and comprehensively developed. Considering this, what are some reasons that even an explicit diagnostic model may not bring about success in a change initiative?

Question 5: Is it reasonable that the same change leader may use a different change diagnostic model and/or change image for successive changes? If so, why might this happen?

Question 6:What are the differences between top-down vs. bottom-up change and which is more common? Provide an example of a company that has successfully implemented a ‘bottom-up change initiative.

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