An essential part of your HCA program is being able to effectively apply the skills and abilities you acquired in the program to your career as a healthcare administrator.

An essential part of your HCA program is being able to effectively apply the skills and abilities you acquired in the program to your career as a healthcare administrator.

Please review the objectives below.  Once you have reviewed the objectives, acquire and submit 3 artifacts which represent each objective. You will then prepare a two (2) to three (3) page Analysis and Application paper to explain how you have demonstrated mastery of these program objectives:

  • Apply fundamental knowledge of the arts and sciences in a healthcare administration setting to improve practice and evidence-based decisions
  • Perform in the role of healthcare administrator by applying skills, values, and knowledge from the coursework to professional practice experiences. 

The purpose of this paper is to synthesize your learning experiences and demonstrate mastery of this information. Consider primarily your coursework including projects, clinical experiences, and professional practice when you write your analysis. You should clearly describe the following:

  • Describe each artifact. (What is it, where did it come from (previous assignment, a professional journal, seminar or certification, etc.) note: you must include the artifact with your submission.  Missing artifacts will not earn credit for any portion of the artifact.
  • Explain how each artifact relates to the selected objective.
  • Discuss how you will use the information from this artifact in your profession as a healthcare administrator.

The paper should represent college-level writing and be free of grammatical errors.  You must include a reference page for all artifacts that do not represent the work you completed in your classes.

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