Analysis of Research-Based Report Exercise




assignment-icons-content.png EXERCISE

This activity asks you to analyze a report that uses research to accomplish its purpose.

Pick one of these reports to analyze:

As you skim the report, focus on the research included in each section. As you do, answer the following questions:

  • What is the purpose of the report?
  • What types of research do you see in the report? (Think back to Ch. 2 from Just Enough Research.)
  • How is the research being used? How does the research contribute to the achievement of the report’s purpose?
  • Which sections have the most research? Why do you suppose that is?

Your analysis of the report should develop a sense of the role of research in professional and technical documents, which will prepare you for conducting that type of research as you complete your own work.

Please submit your analysis here as a Word document


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