Any one familiar with Chicano studies ????




Write a 4- page, critical essay analyzing the literary, social, political, and historical aspects of essay, novel, drama, short story, and poetry written by Chicana/o writers. Analyze the social context within which these works were written. Examine the impact of historical and political forces that give rise to literature written by Chicano writers who seek to define themselves and their communities within a social American context.


HINT:  use the essay question to formulate your thesis, introductory paragraph, and outline for the essay.   for example (ie) “This essay will analyze the literary…” etc.


break down the question and separate it so that in the following paragraphs you address one of the topics the question asks for.  ie:


A)  Paragraph 1:   Introduction (use the question to write your introduction.  do not plagiarize, rephrase it using your own words, tell me what it is your essay is going to accomplish, which is answering the question itself.


B) Paragraph 2 and 3:  Analyze the social context within which these works were written:  Use this paragraph to discuss the local as well as general US and even global society during the time the novels/books were set in. 


C)  Paragraph 4 and 5:  Examine the impact of historical and political forces that give rise to literature written by Chicano writers who seek to define themselves and their communities within a social American context.


D) Paragraph 6:  Conclusion:  What conclusions can you draw about the [email protected]/[email protected] experience, in particular as seen through the eyes of the many talented authors you have read?  Did you experience a “paradigm shift” in your thinking and/or understanding of what [email protected]/or [email protected] Literature were/are?  Did you learn anything new, if so, what impacted you most about the class?



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