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Attached are the requirments and the example.There are seven steps in this project. In the first step you review a technical manual containing information about the various locations where we typically find data of forensic value. The next two steps guide you through the process of imaging a USB stick with both Linux and Windows tools. The next step poses several questions that frequently come up in cases similar to this scenario. In the next step, you’re back to collecting forensic evidence; this time you’re imaging the RAM (memory) and swap space of a live, running computer. In the next step, you image a computer’s hard drive over the network. In the final step, you compile all of the previous lab notes and reports into one comprehensive report. The final assignment in this project is a forensic imaging lab report that can be presented in a court of law.

Before you can begin imaging the USB drive provided by your supervisor, you need to review your technical manual in order to prepare a statement of work to give to your company’s legal team. Are you ready to get started?

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