application security 54

Securing applications is an integral part of an overall security plan. Even if you have a secure IT platform, installing an insecure application can cause an incredible amount of risk and harm to any organization.

Search the internet for a recent article (within the past 4 years) about MS application vulnerabilities (MS Office/MS SQL/etc). Post a summary about the article content, explain the vulnerability, which sector of an IT infrastructure does the vulnerability affect? Which OWASP Ten Top 2017 catoagory does the application vulnerability applies to? Which CIA triad of security does the vulnerability attack? Is it easy enough to just patch the vulnerability or does it require more work?

Initial posting by Wednesday

Reply to at least 2 other classmates by Sunday (Post a response on different days throughout the week)

Provide a minimum of 2 references on the initial post and at least one reference in follow-up posts.

Proper APA Format

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