applying concepts project scheduling and budgeting

Focus on the project scheduling and budgeting aspects of the selected project on developing a corporate website. (See attached file)


Based on your understanding of project scheduling and budgeting, address the following:


  • Create the project schedule using Microsoft Project. Use the start date of the course for the first day of the project. The trial run of the software should be at least two weeks before the actual installation.
  • Create a budget sheet for the project in Microsoft Excel. This budget sheet should include the following:
    • Material procurement, including hardware and software.
    • Total person effort (depicting the people in different phases and their efforts).
    • Installation charges.
    • Maintenance charges (annual).

Criteria for grading see below:


* Support your responses with examples.


* Cite any sources in APA format.


* Analyzed and developed a project schedule using Microsoft Project.


* Analyzed and arranged for provisions for trial runs before actual installation.


*Created and presented a budget sheet in Microsoft Excel.


* Summarized the material requirements and total person effort for accurate calculations in the budget sheet.


* Analyzed and provided rationale for the installation and maintenance charges for accurate calculations in the budget sheet.


* Written components.









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