arabic and islamic assignment 1

Directions: Select the best answer from the options below. There is only one correct answer per question.

1. In Egypt, a Fatwa is universal/binding on all citizens if/when:

A. It deals with economic policy

B. It deals with issues like family law, marriage, and divorce

C. It deals with an issue that would lead to chaos if the fatwa is not enforced

D. It deals with hijab and women’s rights or gender roles

2. Which of the following sources of Islamic Law refers to the use of personal opinion?

A. Qiyas

B. Ra’y

C. Ijma’

D. Sunna

3. After WWI, a new map of former Ottoman lands was drawn up. This map was based on:

A. Article 22

B. Balfour Declaration

C. McMahon-Husayn Correspondence

D. Sykes-Picot Agreement

4. Which of the following established a mandate system for the Middle East/North Africa after WWI?

A. Article 22

B. Balfour Declaration

C. McMahon-Husayn Correspondence

D. Sykes-Picot Agreement

5. Which of the following individuals ignited the 2011 uprisings when he lit himself on fire:

A. Hassan al-Banna

B. Mohammed Bouazizi

C. Mohammed Morsi

D. Ahmed Shafiq

6. Which of the following is the most fundamental social unit in the region. It is also a major defining element in identity:

A. Wife

B. Family

C. Job

D. Children

7. Which of the following is a non- Arab ethnic group in North Africa. They are the indigenous inhabitants. They live in Algeria, Morocco and Libya:

A. Berber

B. Iranians (Persians)

C. Turkic peoples

D. Kurds

8. In the film, The Square, this individual found himself torn between youth protestors and the Muslim Brotherhood:

A. Khalid Abdalla

B. Ramy Essam

C. Magdy Ashour

D. Ahmed Hassan

9. What is the significance of January 25 for Egyptians?

A. It is Egyptian National Independence Day and they were marching for political rights

B. It is the first day of the Islamic Calendar and they were demanding Shari’a Law

C. It is National Officer’s Day and they were protesting police brutality

D. People were starving and they were protesting for basic human rights

10. The slogan of the popular uprisings in Egypt was:

A. Bread

B. Freedom

C. Social Justice

D. All of the above

Part 3: Fill in the Blank: (1 point each; 10 points total)

Directions: Fill the most suitable key term in the space provided. There are no repetitions.

1 ________________________________________________________ is the Arabic word for “path” and also refers to “Islamic Canonical Law” .

2 This exchange resulted in an Arab revolt against their Ottoman rulers at the Battle of Mecca (1916):________________________________________________________.

3 ___________ Has been a barometer of women’s status in the Middle East and North Africa.

4. The first president of Egypt who pushed for pan-Arabism and was popular in the Arab world: _________________________________________________.

5. The sultan that led the Ottomans to their Golden Age is ________________________.

6. While the Ottomans were expanding in Europe, a rival Muslim empire was growing in Persia. This empire was _______________________.

7. This Egyptian president depended on Emergency Law to govern society and he was president from 1981 to 2011,__________________________________________________

8. __________________is a series of popular uprisings that spread across Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya, Syria during the spring of 2011.

9. _________________________________ was elected as Egypt’s president after leading the military coup against Mohammed Morsi in 2013.

10. ______________ a former professor of constitutional law. He is Tunisia’s new president.

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