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Based on this information, do the following:


  1. Using the Cash Budget spreadsheet, calculate detailed company cash budgets for the forthcoming and subsequent years. Summarize the sources and uses of cash, and identify the external financing needs for both the forthcoming and subsequent years.

    Download this Excel spreadsheet to view the company’s cash budget. You will calculate the company’s monthly cash budget for the forthcoming year and quarterly budget for the subsequent year using this information.


  1. In an executive level report, summarize the company’s financing needs for the forecast period and provide your recommendations for financing the planned activities. Be sure to comment on the following:
    1. Your recommended financing solution and cost to the firm: If Genesis needs operating cash, how should it fund this need? Are there internal policy changes with regard to collections or payables management you would recommend? What types of external financing are available?
    2. Your concerns associated with the firm’s cash budget. Is this a sign of weak sales performance or poor cost control? Why or why not?


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