assignment 3 on pepsico

Assignment 3—Internal analysis of the business unit (Individual Assignment)

My business unit is PepsiCo Drink

Please look at the sample (attached) carefully

Questions need to be answered in assignment 3:

  1. Find or estimate the margins for your business – operating income/revenues in Mergent is one approach or EBIT% or something similar
  2. Identify value chain activities– you will need to use“Business Source Complete”, Google, trade publication, industry analysts, interviews with industry players and visits to stores, etc
  3. Organize activities into the value chain – draw the value chain
  4. Identify linkages, capabilities, generic strategy and tag line (activity system)
  5. Conduct a VIRO assessment for the capabilities or meta-capabilities
  6. Explain margins using the value chain and VIRO
  7. Identify issues facing the business unit

3 page, double spaced, 12 font, TNR, look at the sample, you will see that it has 3 pages of required info and whole bunch of images and extra info which made it more than 3 pages. So the images, graphs or extra info does not count toward the 3 pages.

Look at the attached file for detailed instruction and a sample.

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