assignment 5 3496442 2


•Review the document titled “City of Charlottesville 2010 Annual Comprehensive Plan” located in the course shell. Write a three to four (3 4) page paper in which you:

<! [if !supportLists] >1.      <! [endif] >Review the “City of Charlottesville 2010 Annual Comprehensive Plan” and then complete Exercise 1 on page 152 using Exhibits C and D in the Annual Report and Table 9.4 on page 148. Change the title headers to the agency name. Save the Excel File as the agency’s name and include the Multiyear Plan.

<! [if !supportLists] >2.      <! [endif] >Analyze the comparison of ratios.

<! [if !supportLists] >3.      <! [endif] >Analyze the measures of liquidity.

<! [if !supportLists] >4.      <! [endif] >Analyze the long term solvency.

<! [if !supportLists] >5.      <! [endif] >Analyze asset management rations.

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