assignment you will write persuasive argument scout convince mr ewell he should be more

For this assignment, you will write a persuasive argument for Scout to convince Mr. Ewell that he should be more just. You will begin your assignment with an outline or brainstorm web which you will submit at the first of your persuasive argument. Then, you will write a five paragraph paper providing reasons for Mr. Ewell to understand and agree with Scout’s point of view for each of the reasons.


      Outline must contain 5 numerals representing the five paragragraphs

      Outline must include a thesis statement

      Each topic must have at least 3 sub ideas

Brainstorming Web

      Web must contain the  topics chosen for the 3 supporting paragraphs.

      Each topic must have at least 5 sub ideas

      Web must be clearly organized

      Web must include a thesis statement.

      Essay contains a clear introductory paragraph.

      Three supporting paragraphs provides three strong reasons from Scout’s perspective that Mr. Ewell should be more just.

      Essay demonstrates a clear understanding of the plot in the novel.

      Essay uses textual evidence to support Scout’s claims

      Essay contains a clear concluding paragraph.

     12 point Arial or Times New Roman font

      Double spaced

      One inch margins

      Any text cited appropriately

 Essay is free of spelling or word use errors.

      Essay contains a mixture of simple, complex, and compound/complex sentence structure.

      Essay is free of run on sentences or sentence fragments.

      All punctuation is used appropriately.

      All proper nouns and the beginnings of sentences are capitalized appropriately.

      All other standard English grammar, punctuation, and spelling are followed.

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