BBA 2301 Columbia Southern Coca Cola and PepsiCo Financial Analysis Paper




Financial Analysis

For this assignment, you will apply what you have learned thus far from the unit lessons and required unit resources.

You will conduct a financial analysis of the Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo. Write a five-page paper that evaluates each firm, and provide your findings and recommendation for investment or employment.

Your paper should consist of the components listed below.

  • Provide a company overview for both companies, which should be one page in length.
  • Include a comparison of three accounting methods (i.e., receivables, depreciation, and inventory valuation), which should be one page in length (formatted either as a table or an outline).
  • Provide four ratio calculations (i.e., one ratio each for liquidity, solvency, profitability, and market) as well as an analysis, which should be two pages in length.
  • Include your recommendations and conclusions, which should be one page in length.

You are encouraged to utilize the resources below to support your findings.

PepsiCo. (2019). 2018 PepsiCo annual report…

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. (2019). Form 10-K: The Coca-ColaCompany (Commission File No. 001-02217)

You may submit an appendix with any research you conducted—beyond the companies’ most recent 10-Ks—to support your analyses and recommendations. Your paper should include appropriate reference citations.

Write your responses in a Word document, and include at least two resources to support your findings. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.


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