Better Ways to Get to Market: Formulating a Strategy that Works

Better Ways to Get to Market: Formulating a Strategy that Works

There can be a good strategy with a bad product and a good product with a bad strategy, and this can impact product or service success in the marketplace. There are many cases of good products taking much longer to achieve their rightful success because of poor strategy. This assignment helps you explore why such issues occur and how to prevent them.


Using the readings from online library resources, research various marketing strategies.

Identify a good product that had a bad “get to market” strategy and as a result took longer than it should have to be successful. 


Respond to the following:

  • What could the company have done differently in its strategic planning to expedite the results?
  • How might the approach you describe be a universal consideration to other businesses as they “go to market”?

Explained strategic planning steps the company could have taken to expedite results and provided recommendations for how these could be universally applied to other businesses entering the market.

Write your initial response in approximately 300 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Must provide citation of sources and references and work must be original.  




Due Date:  Monday, 7/1/2013 by 10 PM PST

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