bigako module 5



Part I: Research




Directions: Research domestic violence laws in your state on the Internet and answer the following questions:




    1. What are the statistics in your state surrounding domestic violence?

    2. How is this assault defined?

    3. What are the penalties for this offense?

    4. List associated crimes.

    5. What resources are available for victims of domestic violence in your state and community?

    6. Be sure to include proper APA formatting, including a cover page, in text citations, and a reference page.  Please visit the Academic Resource Center (ARC) for concise APA guidelines.

    7. You will also be graded on your grammar and spelling.


      Part II: Case Study


      Directions: Outline the process for investigating rape.  Research online a sex offense in your surrounding area within the last two (2) years and answer the following questions.



  1. Was the offense a nuisance sex offense or a forcible rape offense?  How do you know?

  2. How was this offense investigated?

  3. Did the case go to trial?  If not, why not?  If so, what evidence was presented?  What was the outcome?

  4. Would the investigative process be different for a different type of offense?  Why or why not?

  5. How would you profile the offender?  Why?

  6. Be sure to include proper APA formatting, including a cover page, in text citations, and a reference page.  Please visit the Academic Resource Center (ARC) for concise APA guidelines.

  7. You will also be graded on your grammar and spelling.




Part III: Investigative Project




Directions: You will work on the following Investigative Project throughout the length of the course and will submit your final work in Module 8.




Contact your local or state law enforcement agency and conduct a phone interview (you will need to call ahead of time and schedule this due to professional courtesy and the fact that law enforcement are very busy).  Tell them you are a student at Allied American University and request to schedule a telephone interview (at their convenience) with either a current or past Undercover Police Officer.  The following questions are required for your project; however, you should also include at least five (5) appropriate criminal investigation based questions.  Be sure not to ask anything that would jeopardize their undercover position (if currently undercover).




    1. What is your role in investigating drug offenses? What do you actually do?

    2. Can you explain who would be a good candidate for undercover work?

    3. How do handle the request or demand to “do” drugs prior to a drug transaction?  Does your department allow simulation?

    4. How do you choose your investigative targets?

    5. How do you deal with informants?


      • Where do they come from?

      • Who are they (not names)?

      • How are they controlled?

      • What motivates them?

      • Can you do your job without them?


    1. How much paperwork is there in the job?

    2. Do you testify?

    3. Can you give examples of several cases (or types of cases) that you have worked on?

    4. What are the goals of your investigation?  How long is the typical investigation?

    5. How many buys do you consummate with an individual prior to arrest?

    6. What (if any) issues with entrapment do you see as a challenge to your activities?

    7. Are you armed when you are working undercover? Why or why not?

    8. Can you explain the following as they relate to your role as an undercover?


      • Buy

      • Buy bust

      • Reverse

      • Controlled buy

      • Raid

      • Surveillance


    1. Do not forget to come up with at least five (5) of your own questions.

    2. Include a Research component on Working Undercover with your Undercover Officer Interview.  This should include research from the Virtual Library for recent articles in criminal justice journals as well as your textbook and any other internet resources you wish to include.

    3. Be sure to include proper APA formatting, including a cover page, in text citations, and a reference page.  As well as the law enforcement agency used for your interview, date, time, and duration of interview, and any other details you collected.  Please visit the Academic Resource Center (ARC) for concise APA guidelines.

    4. You will also be graded on your grammar and spelling.


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