Boston University Homelessness and Aging out Of Foster Care Question




The draft bibliography is meant to get you looking at the literature available in your Task Force topic area. Individual members of each Task Force group may have a couple common references but differ regarding which section they are responsible for.  This draft bibliography is not mean to be exhaustive, but should be representative of the key sources you are looking to as you develop the final paper on your section of Task Force. It is expected that you will be building the bibliography over the course of the semester, culminating in a substantive bibliography to write your report. The list of the final bibliography should be included in the final report (minimum 10 citations).


The bibliography should be comprised of scholarly writings (including empirical studies). Among the sources you should consult and cite are books, journal articles, and government documents, reports, or studies.

You may also use references found on the internet, but these may not be your only source of information

  • Materials found on the internet that are generally of high quality (and more trustworthy) are those that are refereed (e.g., refereed journals or journal articles), are from government studies or reports, or other reputable scholarly/research organizations (e.g., the Urban Institute, Rand Corporation, etc.)

This is a link you will find helpful in identifying peer-reviewed journals:

  • Do not use Wikipedia as a reference.

You should submit 6-8 references. No more than three articles can be written by the same author/group of authors/government agency. This will be very easy for some topics, and more challenging for other more exploratory topics. Should this requirement represent a hardship, consult with the course instructor or facilitator for guidance.

For each item, include a brief statement indicating why you chose this article/resource/ data source, and how you feel it will contribute to your understanding of the topic. 

All references should be in APA format. Helpful websites on APA format:


  • Be critical: Assess the quality and reliability of materials you find before deciding whether or not use them. With respect to journals, you may want to search not only social work, but also journals of other academic disciplines, including psychology, sociology, law, or public policy.
  • undefined


  • Required Sources for Annotated Bibliography: 


At minimum you must include:

  • undefined

One peer reviewed articles or chapters addressing the social problem of your Task Force

One peer reviewed article that specifically focuses on the section you are responsible for (e.g., problem definition, trend/correlates, theory, policy)

  • One op/ed, think tank or blog piece that offers an individual viewpoint.


  • undefined



Annotated Bibliography Template


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