BUSI 750 LUO Liberty Insurance Employee Management in An Organization Discussion




Application, Reflection, and Synthesis Paper #2


undefinedAs a team, write a 1,500-word paper that applies, reflects, and synthesizes the following questions:


  • Identify and discuss 2 or 3 major insights from Keller (chapters 5-8) as applied to employee performance management and appraisal processes (Valentine chapter 10).
  • Identify and discuss 2 or 3 major insights from Hardy (chapters 3-4) as applied to employee training and career development processes (Valentine chapters 8-9).
  • Employer branding is a key means by which contemporary organizations implement a strategic approach to HR.What are 2 or 3 key differentiators of a branded approach to employee recruitment and employee selection (Valentine chapters 6-7)?
  • Consider your current or most recent employer organization.Delineate 2 or 3 strategic HR recommendations for improving the employee recruitment, employee selection, or the employee performance management and appraisal processes (Valentine chapters 6-7, 10).

undefinedRequired Sources

undefinedYou must use the course texts as well as articles from scholarly and practitioner journals. Be sure to use current APA format, and include in-text citations for the following sources:


  • At least 2 citations from Valentine (2020).
  • At least 2 citations from Hardy (1990).
  • At least 2 citations from Keller (2012).
  • At least 2 citations from related scholarly journals (e.g. Human Resource Development Quarterly, Human Resource Development Review, Human Resource Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management, Journal of Biblical Integration in Business, Christian Scholars Review),
  • At least 1 citation from a related trade/practitioner publication (e.g. Harvard Business Review, HR Magazine, T&D Magazine, Business Week, Wall Street Journal).

Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the assigned module/week.

undefinedAssignment 2.

undefinedHow does Hardy’s (Chapter 3) conceptualization of vocation and the “divine economy” specifically connect with at least 2 salient job design and employee engagement/retention constructs outlined by Valentine (Chapters 4-5)? Discuss at least 2 related HR-practice implications for strategically recruiting and selecting employees (Valentine Chapters 6-7).

undefinedYour written response must be in current APA format, double-spaced, and 400–700 words.

undefinedInclude a references section, and be sure to have in-text citations for the following sources:


  • At least 2 citations from Valentine (2020).
  • At least 1 citation from Hardy (1990)
  • At least 2 citations from related scholarly journals (e.g. Human Resource Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management, Journal of Biblical Integration in Business, Christian Scholars Review).

undefinedThis course will be utilizing Post-First in the Discussion Board Forums. For each Discussion Board Forum, once you have submitted your thread in response to the provided prompt, you will then be able to read and interact with your classmates’ threads. For additional information on Post-First, click here for a tutorial.

undefinedSubmit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of Module/Week 5.



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