Business Contract Paper

I need two business contracts one for the parents and one for the staff. I am currently trying to open up my own babysitting service.

For the parent contract i would like to statement thank you for choose us to take care your child/children they are in good hand. Are staff are first aid and CPR CERTIFIED, we creative and playful and more I don’t know whatever to write. By sign this contract you would give us two weeks if you to end your services, pay rate Is confidential, if you don’t like the babysitter you will contact the owner and will switch the sitter out for you, sitter don’t have Laibility insuranc (whatever you can think you can add)

For babysitter Contract you must be first aid & CPR CERTIFIED, NON-SMOKED, reliable transportation, you can’t Cannot steal my contract cannot steal my client (will be sued),you have to be creative, help the parent with cooking , clean up after the child/children, bedtime, wash clothes, (whatever you can think of )

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