Business Models

This assignment invites an analysis of two alternative models: a purely profit-oriented model versus a triple bottom line model. The differences are based on the relative importance of the objectives for profits, planet, and people.

Taking the role of an educational consultant, prepare a presentation including speaker notes. In the presentation, outline two alternative business models using the specified example.

  • For the purely profit-motivated model, address the following: 
    • Discuss the pressure exerted by the stock market on publicly traded companies as well as the structure of stock securities including voting rights.
    • Discuss how these influences would encourage a focus on pure profits and what that could mean for other stakeholders of the company.
  • For the alternative business model aligned with the needs of people and planet, address the following: 
    • Read the 2010 Sustainability Responsibility Report of Coca-Cola HBC available from the following link:
    • Illustrate the concepts of aligning a business model with the needs of the people and the planet with reference to the report.
  • Compare the two models using the Coca-Cola HBC as an example. 

Develop an eight- to ten-slide presentation in PowerPoint format. Apply APA standards for writing style to the speaker notes. Use the following file naming convention: 

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