Change management

The project management is focussed on activities and processes which are needed to complete a project, the change management is focussed on people affected by the projects taken, the change management and project management work together and they help in making sure that the project is having a long term success. Even the projects can be successful when the change management is done properly and the change managers act as cheerleaders for the project. They help in making the environment conducive so that the project management can be done effectively as the change management work with the stakeholders to help them understand that how changes may impact the different departments and roles. If it is not done properly then the chances of the failure of the project increases.

Issues in project management

Some of the problems which were faced at the myki project is that the implementation of agile methodology will also not work properly if the required training is not given to the people. Even timeframes were also set too aggressive which made things quite complex in this case and this is necessitating a pressure to provide training for helping the employees to deal with the changes. The proper decisions are not taken by them which ultimately is creating so many problems in the execution of the project and this is negatively affecting the cost and the time frame in which the project is going to be completed.  The other terms relating to the project must also show that flexibility has to be maintained so that they are able to respond to the changes taking place in the prices of the raw material.

It is also seen that not only there is the problem in the implementation of the project but also the communication is also very bad. The proper arrangements have to be made relating to the handling of the project in a proper way and the proper planning has to be made relating to the communication system as it helps in communicating about the problems and issues in the right time and then the necessary suggestions are given which will help for the project to take into consideration the existing problems (Project Management Institute, 2013). There are various knowledge areas related to any project and it is evident from the case study that many of the knowledge areas like proper planning of the time, schedule, cost is not done keeping in mind the changes taking place and this is overall creating a pressure on the project and it is taking it in the negative direction. The top management in any organisation cannot expect that without their involvement of project would keep on going in the right direction and whenever a project manager contacts them for their support then they must be available and must be required to provide the projects with the right kind of resources whenever there is requirement All the components that have been clearly stated by Project Management body of knowledge relating to the knowledge areas have to be planned properly as when all the knowledge areas will be given proper attention then only the success rate of the project can be insured( Heldman, 2013).

Processes and strategies

Some of the processes which will work in the best way in this case is by using process of change management. The John Kotter’s eight step approach will be used in this case which is explained by PMI and is popular approach of change management. There are 8 steps in his which starts from creation of urgency and then forming of powerful coalition will be done by conducting various workshops among the stakeholders. Then planning is needed for telling that implementation of the plan will take place (Wysocki, 2012). The next important part of the change management process is management which would help in empowering the employees to work as per the visions, creation of short term wins is done and conducting the workshops is done. Final step is the reinforcement of the changes which are done. These eight steps are linked to the four phases of the integrated change management approach.

It is expected that this kind of process of change management will help in getting the required results and would make sure that the required changes are done which would provide the support to the process of project management to be conducted in the best way.

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