Communication Between Married Couples Discussion

Communication Paper

Select any television show or movie that features a married or committed couple (i.e.: This Is Us, Big Bang Theory, Last Man Standing, etc.) and take notes on how the couple communicate.

Write a 500 word paper (using guidelines below) to answer the following questions. Please be sure to name the television show or movie that you are using.

1. If the couple is having a conflict, what is it about? What style of conflict is shown?

2. Is the conflict handled or resolved by any of the suggestions listed in the textbook ?

3. In general, did you see signs of non-verbal communication (i.e.: interpersonal space, eye contact, facial expressions, body movements, gestures, touch)?

4. As the couple(s) communicate, can you see a gendered difference?

a. Women – rapport talk

b. Men – report talk

5. Did you notice any examples of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse?

a. Contempt

b. Criticism

c. Defensiveness

d. Stonewalling

6. Did the couple give a positive or negative influence on relationship conflicts and resolutions?


  • Length: at least 500 words.
  • Double-space
  • Proofread and spell check your papers for spelling, grammar, and organization.
  • If using a Mac, please upload using one of the following: RTF, PPT, PPS, PDF, DOC, DOCX, PPTX, XML, XLS, TXT, WPD

Grading Criteria:

  • Summary of your selected media – 30 points
  • Analysis – 50 points
  • Format – 10 points (length, margins, font, etc)
  • Grammar/Organization – 10 points


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