computer science hw – operating system

Answer with a minimum of 2-3 sentences.


1.      What is the difference between an application program and an operating system?




2.      What are the components of an operating system?




3.      What is the difference between monoprogramming and multiprogramming?




4.      How is paging different from partitioning?




5.      How is demand paging more efficient than regular paging?




6.      How is a program related to a job?  How is a job related to a process?  How is a program related to a process?




7.      Where does a program reside?  Where does a job reside?  Where does a process reside?




8.      What is the difference between a job scheduler and a process scheduler?




9.      Why does an operating system need queues?




10.    How does deadlock differ from starvation?


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