conference post


Choose ONE of the following activities to complete:

1. Select an online article or advertisement that you feel represents effective integration of SPD principles (i.e. space, progression, design). Provide a link, identify the intended audience for this article or advertisement, and discuss the goal of the article or advertisement. Then, explain how the use of layout, chunking, font, images, color scheme, and so on is effective for appealing to that particular audience and achieving the identified goal. 

2. Select an online article or advertisement that you feel represents an ineffective integration of SPD principles (i.e. space, progression, design). Provide a link, identify the intended audience for this article or advertisement, and discuss the goal of the article or advertisement. Then, explain how the use of layout, chunking, font, images, color scheme, and so on is ineffective for appealing to that particular audience and achieving the identified goal.

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