creating a script to demonstrate your understanding of how to handle a complex patient scenario in a professional manner 1

Module 02 Written Assignment – Explain professional ways to handle complex patient scenarios

For this assignment, you will be creating a script to demonstrate your understanding of how to handle a complex patient scenario in a professional manner.

Pretend you are an administrative medical assistant and a patient comes into your clinic with a broken arm. The patient has no insurance and does not have any money to pay for the appointment at the time of the visit. Using a professional tone, write a script between you and the patient where you discuss payment options.

Include the following topics in your scenario:

  1. Welcoming the patient and inquiring about their condition.
  2. Discuss the office’s payment policy including:
    1. Payment must be made in full at the time of the visit OR a payment arrangement must be set up.
    2. Late fees will be assessed on missed payments.
  3. Provide the scenario with the patient checking out after their visit is complete:
    1. The total cost of the visit is $500, including the x-ray, cast and visit.
    2. Confirming the payment option (Patient determines to set-up payment arrangement with office).

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document.

•For thdemonstrateis assignment you will be creating a script to your understanding of how to handle a complex patient scenario in a professional manner.


•Pretend you are an administrative medical assistant and a patient comes into your clinic with a broken arm.The patient has no insurance and does not have any money to pay for the appointment at the time of the visit.Using a professional tone, write a script between you and the patient where you discuss payment options.

In order to be considered for full credit, be sure to include the following information in your script regarding the given scenario (previous slide):

•Welcome the patient and inquire about their condition

•Discuss the office’s payment policy: payment must be made in full at the time of the visit OR a payment arrangement must be set-up, late fees will be assessed if applicable

•The total cost of the visit is $500, including the x-ray, cast and visit


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