describe and discuss at least two backup strategies discuss the use of cloud backup strategies as well 2

Original responses should not be a word for word rehashing of what is stated in the readings, but rather an integration of the concepts and additional insights, either from real world experience or additional sources. It should be a 350 word response to the question . Your primary posting may end with a tag-line or a related question of your own. See APA criteria for citing resources. You must provide a minimum of a two references, in APA format, in your original response. note: 1.References (this does not count toward the required paper length)

FINALLY, you must cite your sources after every sentence which contains information from one of your sources. Just putting a citation at the end of a paragraph or section is not sufficient.

Textbook information attached, please search online fro extra information, refer textbook too; textbook name and attachment is given below.


Principles of Computer Security, Conklin and White, 4th Edition, McGraw- Hill Companies, 2016; ISBN: 978-0-07-183597-8.

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