determine value described each following investments assume no money withdrawn during invest

Excel :  

1.Using standard Net Present value tables, determine the present value of a dollar for $10,000.00 invested at 8%, compounded annually for a period of 5 years.


2.Using standard Net Present value tables, determine the future value of a dollar for a one time $10,000.00 deposit earning 8% interest compounded annually to be withdrawn in 5 years.


3.Using standard Net Present value tables, determine the present value of an annuity that earns $10,000.00 payable in 5 annual installments over a period of 5 years, assuming 8% interest compounded annually.


4.Using standard Net Present value tables, determine the future value of an annuity of $10,000.00 annual deposits earning 8% interest compounded annually at the end of 5 years.

Assume no money is withdrawn during the investment period.


Provide one possible explanation of the uses of each type of investment.

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